"Practice accounts for only 18% of differences in performance" according to a study done by Brooke Macnamara, David Moreau, and David Hambrick! And what's crazier yet, it was shown to only account for 1% of performance differences in the most elite of athletes.
So, if practice doesn't make perfect, what does?!
The study suggests other large contributors are:
Genetics - how the body is structured and the efficiency of oxygen delivery throughout the body
Psychological Skills - individuals levels of confidence, performance anxiety, and mindset
Intelligence - mostly related to working memory capacity
I've said it before, I'll say it again...No longer is Training the only facet that dictates Performance! It is pivotal to balance all Facets of Performance and become a well-rounded and consistent athlete. And wouldn't you know it, Excel offers services to help in these other facets!
While genetics can be pretty difficult to change, what Excel can change is muscle structure through appropriate training, and oxygen delivery through training, recovery and nutrition. I refuse to believe that genetics can hold a person back from their ultimate goals, there are ways around genetics! Like the old saying goes, "it's not about the size of the dog in the fight, but rather the size of the fight in the dog."
Psychological skills, guys I preach this stuff daily! Creating and building a positive mindset could be your biggest accelerator in life! Become aware and learn how to control self-talk and mental imagery, build motivation and confidence with certain mental techniques, control emotions, channel your attention, lift up everyone around you rather than pull them down alongside you. Mindset can be insanely powerful, if taught how to control it.
And now intelligence. Excel is centered on the idea of helping people Exceed Their Potential through "education, motivation and inspiration," it says it right in the Excel Swim Performance Mission Statement! I will not only educate you on what I know (so you become more intelligent), but also teach you how to put your body and mind in situations that can increase learning (like how to direct attention, the importance of sleep in order to recode information from short-term to long-term memory, etc.).
Excel can help is many ways, including the Performance Consultation Online Class, which offers 8 sessions to help develop the Mindset, Recovery and Nutrition facets of performance. I also offer live one-on-one Performance Consultations to assist in any area that you could be struggling in. And of course, the Swim and Weight Training can help with the physical side of things. Purchase the online course, and book your sessions now to start unlocking your true potential!
Use this link if you are interested in getting the Online Course (HALF OFF THROUGH 8/31!!!): https://www.excelswimperformance.com/online-courses
Headline article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/sports-practice-accounts_b_10466136
Research article: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1745691616635591
*The article also debunked the "10,000 hour rule," which states anyone can become a master if they spend 10 years or 10,000 hours practicing it. This ideology lead to the idea that early specialization (choosing to swim at 6 years old for the rest of your life) was best. This article actually showed that the best athletes were not the ones who specialized early, but rather the ones who diversified their athletic upbringing and specialized late in life. Interesting stuff!*